Woodlake Trash Pickup Services
Two trash/garbage disposal companies currently serve the Woodlake community.  Each has approximately half the Woodlake business.  Competition is tough.  Both provide very good service to Woodlake customers, according to those customers.  Both companies will pick-up a reasonable number of additional bags of trash (more than will fit in the can) without additional charge.  Differences are underlined, below, for your convenience:

PO Box 255
1910 S. Main Street
McGregor, TX 76657-0255
Phone:  254-840-4060
FAX:  254-840-4470
1-One pickup per week (Wednesday, late morning, in Woodlake)
2-Will pickup extra trash bags placed next to the trash can.  Won’t pickup yard and tree trimmings unless placed in a bag.
3-Customer satisfaction:  Woodlake residents who use this service report they are happy with the service.

Eagle Disposal
1202 Royal Street
Salado, Texas 76571
Phone:  254-947-1288
1-One pickup per week (Tuesday, late morning, in Woodlake)
2-Will pickup extra trash bags placed next to the trash can.  Won’t pickup yard and tree trimmings unless placed in a bag.
3-Customer satisfaction:  Woodlake residents who use this service report they are happy with the service.